is for living

Does our brain's size determine how much can we memorize? I don't know.

My brain can't take in much information lately (oh, don't say i am old, i might younger than you. LOL)


I wish i've a Pensieve, put all rubbish memories into it (oh, do i need a wand first?)

Too Harry-Potter?

Okay, try something actual...

A external hard-disk? or a memory stick? Oh, do i need a USB port in my body? (lol)


I need a brain surgery to enlarge my brain's size?

ya, i am boring with my reading, allow me to write some rubbish :p


Well... u just need a brain...

those external hard-disk or a memory stick take in info blindly, your brain doesnt!

we use the brain to think rather than to memorise!

1 of the way to help out on your brain is to charge up your brain a little more by injecting electron charge.
i can tell you how..

you're bluffing~~

But i bluff logically....hehe...